Estate Planning is a specialist area that deals with the preparation of Wills and other documentation to ensure that your Assets are distributed according to your wishes upon your death.
Whilst Estate Planning is generally not a topic many people enjoy considering, it is an essential aspect of everyone’s financial affairs. If done without proper consideration, your Estate Plan can create unnecessary emotional and financial heartache for your intended beneficiaries.
Your Will is the cornerstone of your Estate & Succession Plan. It outlines how you wish for your personal assets to be distributed and how your children are to be cared for.
Your Will however, is limited in its ability to fully cater for all of your assets and interests , for example, your Will cannot deal directly with your superannuation benefits.
For this reason, having a simple Will prepared to manage your Estate is generally not enough to ensure your assets and interests are handled according to your wishes. What is actually required is an Estate & Succession Plan.
Developing an effective Estate and Succession Plan is all about asking the right questions.
How do I give my assets to my intended beneficiaries in a tax effective manner? Who will succeed me in my business or corporate interests? Could my Estate be challenged?
We can help you to ask the right questions, to ensure your assets and interests are distributed according to your wishes.
Contact us today to discuss your Estate Planning requirements, and ensure that your interests, and the interests of your intended beneficiaries, are handled according to your intentions.