Financial Planning

Fundzcorp Financial Services, Melbourne Australia based, was founded in 1992 and is one of the most prominent financial planning firms in the northern region of Melbourne, Australia. It has been owned and operated by Director and Certified Financial Planner, Marcello Blasi who has been in the financial services industry for over 25 years.

All Financial Planners and support staff meet the educational standards set by the relevant regulations and participate in continuing development and training to remain up to date with industry rules and regulations.

The Financial Planning Process

Representatives authorised to provide advice in the financial planning area are required to follow the following six steps in the financial planning process. To make an appointment with Fundzcorp Financial Services, simply call or email the details listed on this website.

1. Gathering the Data

The process begins with an initial consultation (usually 1-2 hours). At this meeting all necessary data is collected to establish the client’s needs. They should include, amongst other things, the client’s:
  • Income Liquidity
  • Assets Tax Planning
  • Liabilities Estate Planning
  • Current Investments Education

2. Identifying your goals

At your first meeting with a Fundzcorp financial planner, we will discuss your financial and lifestyle goals, for the short, medium and long term.

Our planners will get to know you and will identify your financial circumstances, needs and objectives. This process is generally referred to as “knowing your client” and is undertaken by completing  a Client Data Form / Fact Find. As a client, you are reliant upon our services and as such, when we make a recommendation or provide advice, we must have a reasonable basis for doing so.

3. Identifying Financial Issues

At the second meeting, your Fundzcorp financial planner will present you with a range of options and recommended strategies that can assist you in achieving your financial and investment objectives.  These options and strategies form a financial plan, referred to as a Statement of Advice.

Following the discussion of the Statement of Advice, you can decide whether you would like to implement those strategies.

4. What does a Statement of Advice contain?

A Statement of Advice contains information about:

Details of your personal financial situation, goals and objectives.

Your financial planner’s strategies and recommendations as to how you can achieve your goals

  • Taxation position
  • Risk Profile
  • Asset allocation
  • Investment strategy
  • Estate planning and insurance needs
  • Ongoing financial advice needs
  • Initial and ongoing fees

5. Implementation

When you are comfortable with the strategy your Fundzcorp financial planner has recommended, it’s time to set the plan in motion.

The Statement of Advice will include a list of action priorities required to implement the recommendations indicating responsible parties, action required and timing.

Your Fundzcorp financial planner will assist you in preparing the paperwork necessary to invest in the selected products, and then lodge them on your behalf with the appropriate organisations.

6. Reviewing Your Plan

Periodic reviews and updates of the client’s Statement of Advice and the implementation strategy will be clearly stated. For example, reviews can be made at the request of the client, at intervals of  six months or annually.

To discuss your Financial Planning needs, click here

General Advice Disclaimer

This information provided on this website has been provided as general advice only. We have not considered your financial circumstances, needs or objectives and you should seek the assistance of your Professional Investment Services (PIS) Authorised Representative before you make any decision regarding any products mentioned in this communication. Whilst all care has been taken in the preparation of this material, no warranty is given in respect of the information provided and accordingly neither Professional Investment Services nor its related entities, employees or agents shall be liable on any ground whatsoever with respect to decisions or actions taken as a result of you acting upon such information.